Misinformation in the Age of Social Media
By Dr. Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD
Mis-information, dis-information, lies, and propaganda are terms bandied about to describe what is currently happening with information in our world. What do these terms mean, and how do they affect us? The main difference between mis-information and dis-information is intent. Mis-information is providing incorrect information. One might do this intentionally as part of a dis-information campaign or unwittingly based on naivete, ignorance, and/or personal bias.
Dis-information is a directed and purposeful use of information to manipulate the reader, listener, or viewer with a nefarious purpose in mind. Simply put, communicators of mis-information may actually be doing so by mistake. Purveyors of dis-information are always doing so on purpose. One is a mistake, the other a strategy.
The differentiation does not give mis-informers a pass, however. Mis-informers should do their utmost to correct any incorrect information that they put out. Especially if their initial intent was to promote truth or fact, they did so poorly due to a lack of clarity or poor research methodology. Those participating in disinformation are deliberately deceptive with the information they are providing. Whether for political reasons, to gain or maintain power, or any other objective, it is purposeful and targeted. They know that what they write, say, or broadcast is entirely false, inaccurate, and misleading. It is part of a targeted strategy for their gain.
When one is listening to a broadcast, reading a blog, or scrolling through a feed, one must remain vigilant against both. One must ask the question, “Is this misinformation that I am receiving?” If yes, the next question should be, “Is this simple ignorance on the part of the broadcaster, or is it part of a targeted disinformation campaign?” If you suspect deception, ask what might be the purpose of such. Is it to get you to vote a certain way, to buy something, or to influence your behavior? If a source is preaching fear and or hate, that is a giant red flag. Another obvious tipoff, particularly on social media, is the " Breaking News action line!” This is a signal for you to take a step back and say ask, “Where is this coming from? Who is providing it?”
It is unfortunate that true news has gone by the wayside and been replaced with the reported opinion that is presented as news. Therefore, all information must be taken with a grain of salt. In the past, the news was vetted by an editorial staff committed to printing unbiased events and facts. That no longer exists. Therefore, it is incumbent on the reader, watcher, and listener to interpret provided information with logic, some healthy skepticism, and critical thinking. The aforementioned skills are not well taught in our schools. This makes us easy pickings for targeted mis- and dis-information campaigns. Whether for increased voter appeal or profit, these sources do their utmost to manipulate and control those absorbing their data.
So, what is the big deal? We have been advertised, marketed, and lied to for years. The difference now is that number of people who can be affected, and the ramifications of such are much, much higher. The anti-vax campaigns of the last few years are a good example. A relatively straightforward fact — a global pandemic — became a political tool. The businesses owning the media sources used the resulting polarization to increase their viewership for profit. Behaviors such as taking or not taking the vaccine were affected, resulting in 25% of all fatalities worldwide from COVID in a country with only 3% of the global population, a huge drop in global perception of the US, and continued battles over who is right. Simply put, it cost lives, damaged our standing on the world stage, and continues to threaten our democratic system.
This is not the world’s first rodeo, however. Mis- and dis-information has been a tool of control for centuries. However, now it is widespread, and in a society without censorship and the right to free speech, it is now a tool for that can be used for ill. I would never fight for censorship or the infringement of free speech, but I would also never yell, “FIRE!” in a crowded theater. Unfortunately, that is exactly what many are doing now. And that cry is inciting panic and fear in many. Opinion, advertising, and marketing are not facts. They are interpretations of facts. A good example is advertising for nutritional supplements. Since they are neither considered foods nor drugs by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), they do not control their manufacturing. They have put limits on the labeling, advertising, and claims being made to protect the consumer better. Yet, supplement manufacturers can claim that a product may help to heal, cure or mitigate a health issue. Still, they cannot guarantee that they do, unlike drugs that must prove that they are both effective and relatively safe through rigorous and expensive trials. We know that a little blue pharmaceutical can help your erectile dysfunction, but there are no such guarantees with powdered Rhino horn.
Recently, podcast giant Joe Rogan stirred up controversy with his anti-vax guests. Joe is an MMA fan, practitioner, and comedian, not a virologist, research scientist, or medical doctor. His main aim in his job is not public health but viewership. A viewership that is more and more anti-vax due to the high percentage of pseudo-macho men who are seeking a tribe in which to feel masculine, tough, and secure. Joe speaks to them. Is Rogan a misinformer controlled fully by Spotify and engaging in dis-information for gain, or does he share some responsibility for what is said on his show? Millions listen to Joe Rogan; few listen to the podcaster next door. If Rogan were an old-school journalist, he would interview guests with opposing views and moderate the discussion. Such a model used to exist — Crossfire, Point Counter Point, and others that have seen their days pass. Those shows wanted viewers, listeners, and readers to think, not just believe. It forced the viewer to consider the opposing side through civil discourse. We need more shows like that now.
In reality, 60–70% of the country has more moderate views on most subjects. The polarized extremes are simply the loudest voices in the crowd. People like Rogan need to provide their audiences with both sides of the discussion. And to do so in a format that re-teaches intelligent and civil discourse. Joe, if you are reading this, take a stand with your bosses and get out of the corner where you have been painted. In the long run, it will help your shows longevity and potentially save lives.
It will take leadership in our homes, communities, and media to bring balance back to our country. I, for one, have hope. The largest developing voter block is young people. They have grown up with social media and understand that they are being marketed rather than informed. They tend to lean away from extremism on either side and care less about race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation than their parents and grandparents. Their challenge is that they feel powerless. They feel that they have no say. This is how extremists take control. Not because they are more powerful but because the masses do not actively counter them. For the vast majority of Americans, this is the case. Our silence emboldens and empowers the extremist. Of course, actions in the voting booth, on your electronic devices, and with your wallet are what will manifest the changes needed to heal. Taking away this voting block by questioning the integrity of elections, the very thing that makes us a democracy is the only play left. The attacks on the veracity of our electoral process chip away at the foundation of our society. It is an attack manufactured by those desperate to win at any cost.
Remember, too, that those extremists of any flavor act out for fear. Attacking that fear has its challenges. On a personal level, the best way to counter the fear that manifests itself as avoidance or aggression is with compassion. You cannot attack and argue away irrationality. The light of logic must be walked into willingly by those in the dark. You cannot drag someone kicking and screaming into it. Like Golem, they will reject it and scuttle back into their shadow world where, dark as it may be, it comforts them.
Though we are all fatigued from these past few years of uncertainty, compassion is the best tool for rectifying the situation. Don’t assault or attempt to pop others’ bubbles. Instead, extend a hand of compassion, knowing that they are fearful, and show them by word and deed where to find the light. Listen non-judgmentally, and understand that much of the irrationality stems from fear, ignorance, and a longing for security. Do not allow discussions to devolve into arguments or zero-sum games. Issues are complex. As are the solutions. Begin with this premise when starting a dialog with these people, much like with a frightened child. Let them cry out before you challenge their assumptions compassionately and patiently. In the meantime, buttress yourself against the information war raging around us. Use the brain given to you to examine and question everything. Use the heart given to you to extend compassion to those lost. And, of course, vote! The silence of many needs to be counteracted by the action of those many so that we may keep a balanced, fair, and free society while helping to heal the wounds recently suffered. Compassion plus action in the face of uncertainty will prevail.