Parenting: The Ultimate Brain Hack You Didn’t Know You Were Performing, Evolution, Act 2.

Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD, FAPA.
4 min readOct 26, 2024


By Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD, FAPA Medical Director, Neuron-Connect

By Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD, FAPA Medical Director, Neuron-Connect

Welcome to parenting, the only job where you’re expected to be a professional therapist, chef, event planner, and janitor — all while running on three hours of sleep and a cold cup of coffee. You’re not just raising a kid; you’re raising a tiny human with a knack for finding LEGOs at 2 AM, testing every limit like a rogue scientist, and delivering mood swings that would make a soap opera star proud. It’s not just about keeping them alive (though that’s a big part of it); it’s about navigating the tantrums, meltdowns, and eye-rolls while pretending you know what you’re doing. Buckle up — there are no refunds on this ride.

1. Birth: The “Welcome to Chaos” Stage

Ah, newborns. They arrive with no user manual and a complete disregard for your sleep schedule. At this stage, neurofeedback isn’t a gadget you hook up to your baby (tempting as it sounds). Instead, it’s all about that magical connection called attachment. Your late-night feedings, endless rocking, and soft whispers aren’t just keeping them alive — they’re giving them a crash course in emotional security. Your baby’s little sponge of a brain is soaking up those “I’m safe” vibes and turning them into lifelong confidence. Think of yourself as their emotional Wi-Fi, providing constant, reliable connection — minus the buffering.

Translation: Your midnight cuddles and soothing shushing are hacking their brain into forming strong bonds. Plus, you’re building the endurance of a marathoner while you’re at it.

2. Two Years Old: The “Tiny Dictator” Phase

Congratulations, you’ve survived year one. Welcome to the age of tantrums, where “No!” is the national anthem. This is where neurofeedback gets real. Your toddler is learning cause and effect, but not the physics kind — the social kind. For every tantrum, you have two options: feed into the chaos or demonstrate calmness. Spoiler alert: choosing the latter helps them understand that screaming won’t turn your house into Candyland.

Translation: You’re teaching self-regulation here, whether it’s gently redirecting your child from licking the dog or ignoring the meltdown over mismatched socks. Stay cool and you’re rewiring their tiny dictator brain to accept limits…eventually.

3. Learning to Ride a Bike: The “Risk Management” Crash Course

Time to strap on those helmets (literally and figuratively). Learning to ride a bike isn’t just a cute milestone for Facebook photos. It’s where you’re teaching resilience and perseverance — neurofeedback in action. They’re going to fall. And cry. And blame you for the fall. Your job? Stay chill, hand over the Band-Aids, and encourage them to get back on.

Translation: When you calmly encourage them to try again instead of coddling their bruised ego, you’re signaling to their brain that failure isn’t a reason to quit, it’s just part of the game. Congratulations, you’re turning mistakes into neural upgrades.

4. School Days: The “Social Experiment” Stage

School introduces a whole new world of feedback loops: grades, friendships, and those dreaded parent-teacher conferences. Neurofeedback at this stage is about more than math tests and perfect penmanship. It’s about helping your kid process emotions, handle stress, and not punch Billy because he stole their crayons. Your job is to respond with empathy and firmness — showing them that problems can be solved without creating new ones (like detention).

Translation: Guide your child through peer drama, academic stress, and cafeteria politics with a mix of empathy and consequence-setting. You’re essentially installing the “conflict resolution” app in their brain while deleting the “drama queen” virus.

5. Adolescence: The “Why Did I Sign Up For This?” Phase

And then, they hit puberty. Suddenly, your sweet child transforms into a hormone-powered mood machine. Welcome to the boss level of neurofeedback. You’ve spent years training for this, and now it’s time to apply your zen ninja skills. This stage is all about consistency and emotional regulation. When you keep your cool during door slams and eye rolls, you’re modeling how to manage intense emotions without blowing up.

Translation: Remain steady and predictable — think lighthouse in a hurricane. Your consistency helps them mirror emotional stability and teaches them that not everything needs to be a reality TV showdown. It’s not glamorous, but hey, you’re preventing future family therapy sessions.

The Takeaway

Your neurofeedback game is evolving at each stage, from building emotional bonds to modeling calm reactions in the face of toddler tyrants and teenage angst. You’re a brain sculptor with a talent for dodging LEGOs and diffusing drama. Remember, every meltdown, every bike fall, and every crayon theft is a chance to shape your child’s brain — no expensive gadgets are required.

And if you ever doubt your efforts, remember: you’re not just a parent; you’re an undercover neurofeedback expert molding a future adult who might not need 18 reminders to take out the trash. Go forth and parent like the brain-hacking pro you are!



Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD, FAPA.
Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD, FAPA.

Written by Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD, FAPA.

Dr. Lauro Amezcua-Patiño: Bilingual psychiatrist, podcaster, clinical leader, educator, and researcher. Expert in forensic medicine and mental health issues.

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