“The Unsurprising Spectacle: Handling a Narcissistic 77-Year-Old Man on Trial”

Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD, FAPA.
4 min readApr 23, 2024

by Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD, FAPA

by Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD, FAPA

In the majestic setting of the courtroom, where revelations are brought to light and destinies are determined, one performer takes center stage with a performance so brazenly outrageous that it flirts with comedy.

Behold the hypothetical protagonist of our narrative: a septuagenarian with a penchant for theatrics and an egotism so tangible it could almost demand its own marquee. Confronted with serious accusations, his retort has been nothing short of a virtuosic display of narcissistic defense, as if plucked directly from the pages of a psychiatrist’s manual.

Act I: The Art of Denial and Deflection

Our esteemed gentleman, Mr. Grande, stands accused. His tall stature and confident demeanor exude an air of sophistication and entitlement. In his mind, these charges are nothing more than a poorly scripted attempt to tarnish his illustrious reputation. With the swagger of a seasoned actor, he dismisses all accusations as fabrications, his words dripping with arrogance and defiance. “This is a setup,” he proclaims, his voice booming through the courtroom as he casts doubt on the validity of the evidence against him. He maneuvers through the space like a master of manipulation, using his charm and charisma to sway the audience in his favor. It’s as though he believes the courtroom is his stage and the rest of us, mere spectators at his command performance, are powerless to resist his charms.

Act II: Grandstanding and Self-Victimization

Mr. Grande, a man who relishes in the attention of others, seizes upon his trial as an opportunity for personal drama. With flair and gusto, he spins tales of imagined mistreatment and portrays himself as a tragic hero trapped in the merciless grip of fate. His monologues are delivered with emotion and precision, each gesture carefully crafted to elicit sympathy from the mesmerized jury and onlookers. The audacity of it all! One might admire his theatricality if it weren’t so blatantly manipulative.

Act III: A Curious Absence of Remorse

One might anticipate a hint of genuine remorse, or at least a subtle acknowledgment of wrongdoing. After all, Mr. Grande’s actions were not without consequence. However, instead of contrition, his expressions carry a range from indignant outrage to smug disdain. It is evident that he has no intention of admitting fault or showing any form of regret. This emotional void is not a mere enigma, but rather a defining characteristic of his persona — as expected in its occurrence as it is conspicuous in its absence.

Act IV: Rage Against the Judicial Machine

But beware, the court’s patience wears thin and our protagonist feels trapped, like a cornered animal. What follows is an explosive display of anger and frustration. Mr. Grande’s usually refined language turns into a barrage of colorful curses, his accusations wild and unfiltered as he lashes out at anyone within earshot. The normally stoic atmosphere of the courtroom transforms into a chaotic battlefield, with words flying back and forth as his chosen weapons. It is a spectacle of unchecked fury, shocking yet not entirely unexpected from someone pushed to their breaking point.

Act V: The Puppeteer’s Strings

Throughout the proceedings, Mr. Grande engages in a calculated dance of manipulation and deceit. His crooked smile is like a hook, reeling in those around him with false charm and charisma. As he speaks, his words seem to weave themselves into the minds of the judge and jurors, painting a distorted picture of reality. He is dangerously skilled at turning each testimony into an opportunity to redirect the spotlight back onto himself, always portraying himself as the misunderstood hero rather than the true villain that he is. Like a master puppeteer, he pulls all the strings and controls the narrative with ease. And yet, behind his facade of charm and wit lies a cunning predator, ready to pounce on any weakness or vulnerability in his prey.

Epilogue: How to Curtail a Theatrical Tyrant

Navigating a courtroom with such a character at the forefront requires a strategy as intricate and delicate as his performances. It begins with recognizing the facade for what it truly is: a defense mechanism, a carefully constructed illusion meant to deceive and deflect. Judges, lawyers, and mental health professionals must work together in close collaboration, constantly vigilant in their adherence to facts and evidence, ensuring that the manipulations of this masterful actor do not derail the proceedings. It’s a tenuous tightrope walk, consistently steering the narrative back to the firm ground of reality where justice awaits its cue.

And so goes another day in the life of a courtroom facing off against a narcissistic septuagenarian. It’s a tale as old as time itself, or at least as old as the DSM.

One might find it tragic if it weren’t so predictably theatrical. But in the end, as always, the curtain must fall and justice, devoid of any applause or fanfare, will take its final bow on the stage of truth.



Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD, FAPA.

Dr. Lauro Amezcua-Patiño: Bilingual psychiatrist, podcaster, clinical leader, educator, and researcher. Expert in forensic medicine and mental health issues.